DG834GT Stats | SF: CRC: ES: SES: RS: LOF: D: HEC: LOS: UAS: | Super Frames Cyclic Redundancy Check Errored Seconds (Seconds with 1 or more CRC errors) Severely Errored Seconds Reed Solomon Forward Error Correction Loss Of Framing Interleave depth ATM Header Error Control Loss Of Signal Unavailable Seconds (No Signal) |
Enable telnet launch telnet to disable type "killall utelnetd" in the console.
Override Target Noise Margin % 86%= 6dB 100%=7dB(default) 114%= 8db...
Add entries to router's hosts file
This is not particularily useful unless your connection is 100% stable as the Netgear's host file will be reset every time the PPP connection is re-established after a drop.
Enter IP address <space> hostname (eg. mel.lan)
Add above to DNS Server
Reset DNS Server
Router based "speed test"
If you think poor speeds are caused by your PC or wireless link - This will download a file to the router and time the download (if this test fails to work choose a download file with a shorter URL) Results are only a very rough estimate.
Input the URL of a file to download and its filesize (url must be quite short).
Please be patient, the page will only open once the file download has completed.
Download url Filesize=
Alternative test: Downloads and displays the start and end times so that you can calculate the speed more accurately
Download url {44668/(end-start) Kbps}